"The need for optimizing a website for search engines rises with the raise of cost per click in AdWords. SEO evolved into a must-have service not unlike a web domain."

Nikola Pantović

CEO and founder

Measurable effects

Our SEO service is based on guaranteed improvement of key statistical metrics on your website.

Primary method of measuring effects of our optimization is simple comparison of number of visits that arrived trough organic search before and after optimization.

As an alternative, optimization goal might be set to improve how your landing page ranks in google search results given a determined keyword or phrase.

On-site optimization

Science of website optimization is intertwined with various different theories and experiences and in the end effectiveness of SEO only depends on the experience of the person responsible for implementing and tracking it.

Over 10 year experience in SEO enables us to guarantee end results which is the thing not many people would dare to do. We have numerous references and case studies which prove successfulness of our work philosophy in this field.

In the process of optimizing website our programmer and our copywriter are involved alongside certified analyst.

Off-site optimization

Due to the fact that we can differentiate more than a 100 factors and parameters in SEO process that affect how your webpage ranks in search results many segments of the process need to be handled outside website itself.

Our team will handle backlinks, researching competition, keywords, directories and applications.

Conversion tracking

Within our service of optimizing website for search engines in order to efficiently track effectiveness of our optimization our developers will install codes for tacking conversions.

In most cases the goal of the optimization is to boost number of visits but in the end it’s all about boosting conversions (sales, calls, subscriptions).

By installing codes for tracking conversions we can gather great amount of statistical data which can help you analyze effectiveness of various sources that lead to your website.

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